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We are a local theatre with a world-class profile where everyone’s invited to be part of the story, on and off the stage.

Coming soon

  1. A black-and-white-photo taken on the crowded steps of Chichester Law Court. In the centre, two young men in stylish suits walk down the steps, holding their hands in front of their faces to block the camera. Around them, women in 1960s hairstyles and coats look up at the two men, some with excited expressions. On the left stands a stern policeman in a hat, with two more policemen and photographers in the background.
    Festival Theatre


  2. A black and white image of a man in a pin stripe suit looks aghast with his arms and hands outstretched. Behind him his shadow lurks overhead ready to pounce.
    Minerva Theatre

    The Cat and the Canary

  3. A couple embrace lovingly with solemn facial expressions. The man on the right wears military uniform and has dark hair and a moustache. The woman on the right wears a white blouse and a green dress with her hair in a bun. The background shows a blue sky that descends into a trench war scene at the bottom, with dirt, dust, wire fences and silhouettes of soldiers in helmets.
    Festival Theatre


Theatre Green Book

The Theatre Green Book gives theatre a path towards sustainability. It’s all about transitioning to a circular supply chain for making theatre. Because the more we reuse and recycle, the less carbon we create. Read more about how we're getting on this season.