1978: Working Front of House
Our history1978: Working Front of House

Across the years, CFT has seen generations of fathers and daughters, mothers and sons, husbands and wives, working front of house in various roles such as ushers, box office, cloakrooms and cafes. Many went on to work at the Theatre for decades.
Kate Mosse, who started as an usherette in 1979, opened CFT's 60th season with a translation of her own internationally best selling novel The Taxidermist's Daughter. A year prior, in 1978, Janet Bakose began as an assistant in the Box Office and is now Theatre Manager. Sharon Meier, PA to the Theatre Manager, began in 1978 as an usherette, going on to meet her husband Karl who is now Head of Stage. These experiences across the years inject a personal history to this unique Theatre, with knowledge, memories and anecdotes of 60 years that can never be completely captured.
Front of House staff 1979, photographs courtesy of Sharon Meier
There was a large group of people working front of house at the theatre, some of whom had been there since it opened, led at that time by the amazing Front of House Manager Angela Lanyon. They were an amazing group bonded through of a shared love for theatre and especially CFT. It was very daunting as a 16 year old starting my first job - my first experience was washing coffee cups in the coffee bar. Didn’t put me off as 40 years later I'm still here!
Sharon Meier, PA to the Theatre Manager, remembers being an usherette in 1979