News Story
Online booking for Friends and Champions supporters for Festival 2025 is now open, and we've pulled together a list of top tips and ways to save to help you plan your CFT visits this summer.
Supporters Season Saver
(available to all supporters at Friends level and above, on full price tickets, until 5 March)
Our Season Saver discounts apply to full price tickets, when you book the same number of tickets (up to four per production or two per production for Prologue tickets) for three or more shows.
Book for 4+ shows and get 20% off
Book for 6+ shows and get 25% off
All Season Saver tickets must be booked and paid for in a single transaction. Season Saver excludes Previews, Press Nights, Relaxed or Dementia Friendly Performances, and gala performances.
Supporters discount:
Supporters can get £2 off full price tickets on up to four tickets per production.
Choose the right ticket type
When booking online make sure you select the right ticket type. Season Saver offers, Supporter offers and Group offers are applied automatically to qualifying full price tickets, and can’t be used alongside a concession (Over 60s or Under 16). Only one discount applies to any ticket.
Book early!
The cheapest seats go quickly, certain performances are very popular and ticket prices are subject to change – so please do get in early to book the seats you want.
It's not too late to benefit from Priority booking; you can become a Friend today and book your Festival tickets the same day.
If you're wondering when you can book by phone or in person, here's a reminder:
Friends and Champions: priority booking by phone and in person opens Tuesday 25 February from 10am
Groups and Schools (online and phone), Corporate Sponsor and Member employees (online only): booking opens Thursday 27 February
General booking: opens Saturday 1 March from 9am (online) and Tuesday 4 March from 10am (by phone and in person)
And remember, if you're aged 16-30, you can register as a Prologue member and snap up £5 tickets for every show in the Festival season. Prologue members can book from 9am on Saturday 1 March (online).

Not yet a Friend of CFT?
Become a Friend and you'll enjoy priority booking and discounts on the best seats.