News Story
Here is your first look into the rehearsal room of Redlands!
This world premiere by Charlotte Jones will burst onto the Festival Theatre stage from 20 September (for just four weeks).
Directed by CFT's Artistic Director Justin Audibert, we couldn't resist a sneak peek into the rehearsal room where we asked the company to tell us what to expect.
This riotous, psychedelic and hugely entertaining account of possibly the most bizarre English court case ever held runs from 20 September until 18 October with tickets from £10.
Head to the show page for full cast and creatives, all our linked events (including our free foyer exhibition), and to grab those tickets!
A fictional account, inspired by the famous ‘Redlands’ trial of the Rolling Stones.

Aged 16 – 30? Get £5 tickets and more with Prologue.
Tickets for a fiver, money off food and drink, exclusive events, and loads more... what’s not to love? Sign up for free today.