News Story

As part of our commitment to work towards Net Zero, our staff have been completing their Carbon Literacy training, and we're proud to announce, that we are officially a Bronze Carbon Literate Organisation!

So what is Carbon Literacy? It is defined as, “An awareness of the carbon costs and impacts of everyday activities, and the ability and motivation to reduce emissions, on an individual, community and organisational basis." 

To achieve our Bronze accreditation, 42 members of our permanent staff have completed our bespoke Carbon Literacy Training course.

We are so thrilled that we are able to train our staff in Carbon Literacy. The journey to Net Zero is a transition and it's important to us that we all learn about our carbon footprint and what we can do within our teams to propel our sustainability plans. We can only do better once we understand. As a CLO we will now continue to train our staff and work alongside Theatre Greenbook.

Angela Buckley, Projects, Events & Green Book Co-ordinator

If you want to know a little more about the work we're doing to reduce our environmental impact, check out the link below.