News Story
This week, we welcomed the company for The House Party to CFT prepare for the show to open next Friday 3 May. Among them, Rachelle Diedericks returns to perform in the Festival season for the third year in a row. Rachelle played Ierum in Our Generation (2022) then Catherine in A View from the Bridge (2023). We asked her why she's excited to be back at CFT and how she's finding playing Christine in this explosive new show...
How have you found playing Christine in The House Party? What do you like about her and have there been any challenges?
So far I love Christine. She's got so many beautiful and some not so beautiful facets to her. I love how everything each character does seems to cause so much drama. I think the drama and the mess come because they're having these massive adult feelings, that as an adult I feel like I may be able to tackle without too much collateral damage, but our characters have got these teenage hormones so they just create this lovely chaos and conflict that's really juicy to dive into.

The House Party is an adaptation of Strindberg’s Miss Julie. Why do you think this story still resonates with audiences today?
I think the class and gender politics that we're experiencing as a generation will definitely resonate. We're living in a time of world class feminists that have done so much for the movement but then we also live in a world where people are trying to push narratives that a woman's 'value' should be calculated by the number of sexual partners she has or hasn't had. I think this is an important theme that Laura has so brilliantly woven throughout the play. Seeing how each character grows and experiences the complex themes is really interesting and something I can't wait to share. They've brought up some really interesting topics of discussion in the rehearsal room.
All three characters love deeply... their love is messy, complicated and exciting
What should audiences be excited about in this version, that sets the play amongst the chaos of a teenage house party?
The love in this play. All three characters love deeply and that's one of the things that attracted me to it. Their love is messy, complicated, exciting and so much more. There are some really fun scenes when all three characters come together and you can see how important and massive their feelings are for each other. One of my favourite things about this play is the platonic love that Julie and Christine have for each other, I think it's just been so beautifully written.
I think it's going to be a wild but very fun night for all involved!
What are you looking forward to about being back on the stage at CFT?
Well Chichester has one of the best curry houses I've ever been to, so that. But seriously, I love the Minerva; it's such a gorgeous space that's beautifully intimate. When I was last here with A View from the Bridge, I got to see The Inquiry and I was so blown away. So, I can't wait to bring our play into that space, I think it's going to be a wild but very fun night for all involved!
And finally, can you describe The House Party in three words?
Heartfelt. Messy. Electric.

Visit the show page for more behind-the-scenes content and to book your tickets for a night out you won't forget...